• Breaking News

    APTIKNAS mendukung IoT Asia 27 - 28 Maret 2019 - Singapore

    APTIKNAS kembali mendukung event Internasional, kali ini adalah IoT Asia
    Event ini akan diadakan di Singapore, pada tanggal 27 - 28 Maret 2019

    The 6th edition of IoT Asia is a dedicated business platform at the forefront of creating
    collaboration and knowledge sharing opportunities for professionals in the Internet of
    Things value chain. The event connects technology solution providers, enablers, endusers and potential IoT technology adopters from online to offline.

    As an award-winning event, it brings solutions providers, technology heads, design/solution
    architects, engineers, academic institutions, investors and start-ups together for an
    enriching learning and sharing experience.

    IoT Asia 2019 will be held from 27 – 28 March in Singapore EXPO. The exhibition,
    conference and workshops will address the needs and interests under these segments -
    Smart Cities, Industrial IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Data Analytics and Enablers

    Penawaran khusus Anggota APTIKNAS :

    Kontak segera ke 0881-8867333 untuk mendapatkan harga khusus.

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