Konferensi dengan tema “Building a Sustainable Indonesia With Solar Innovation and Energy Storage” yang dilaksanakan pada 15 November 2023 lalu di Garuda Main Hall ICE BSD City.
Menghadirkan pembicara dari pakar Industri di Indonesia dan Internasional, diantaranya:
Fanky Christian, Secretary General, Indonesian ICT Business Association (APTIKNAS)
Drs. Sumedi Andono Mulyo, MA, Ph.D, Director for National Priority Infrastructure Projects Development and Planning (P3IPN), Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure, BAPPENAS
Dr. Ir. Bambang Hendroyono, M.M., Secretary General, Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Dr. Gigih Udi Atmo, Director for Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Yudo Dwinanda, Director General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Edwin Nugraha Putra, President Director, PT PLN Indonesia Power
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